Friday, October 9, 2009

MYO- Make Your Own

I have decided to give MYO (at Irwin Chamber) a try today since I was told by serveral people it was fantastic. Personally I find it rather expensive for the food it sell.

I had picked a regular size pumkin soup($4.50) and a pizza with tomato sauce based, salami, mushrooms and cheese(regular size $7.90). You have to wait about 7-8 minutes to cook the pizza and while waiting, I was observing what everyone else had ordered, most people go for the rolls or breads with they have quite decent size fillings.

Overall, i think the pizza is great, mainly because I select what I want to eat. The pumkin soup taste rather like can soup or powdered soup. I will go there again because I am given the wide choice of variety but definately not for the prices. You can go to a deli and get the same for a cheaper rate for sure.

Food rating

Worth getting fat for ? 4/10

Will I return back for more? 7/10

Ambience? 6/10

Customer Service? 4/10



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