Thursday, October 15, 2009

Contential - Italian Sun Dried Tomato and Basil Flavoured Rice

I had tried the Mushroom Risotto before and I did not cook it very well. This time round, I have bought the sundried tomato and basil rice to give it a try. I have added more water than specified and cook it in the microwave for a shorter period (9minsutes) because it is a 1100W microwave. I had gave the dish a quick stirred during the 5th minute and 7th minute. The rice came out nice and moist, not under nor over cook.

However, the taste is terrible. It is definately not as good as the mushroom risotto flavour. I didn't finish the meal because it taste too bland.

close up picture of the rice.

Food rating

Worth getting fat for ? 0/10

Will I return back for more? 0/10

Ambience? Nah.....Had lunch in the office


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