Sunday, April 22, 2012

Little Italy, Kuta Bali Indonesia

We tried this restaurant called Little Italy in Bali since we are just next to it. It also has good reviews on the internet. This place is located just next to Kuta Square(next to McDonalds).

It was great marketing for the staff to offer free tasting of pizza at the entrance, there's also security checks before heading up to the restaurant. There isn't much people in the restaurant. I find the music just a little on the loud side. the waiter (seems like he's the main or head waiter) who serves us was very enthusiastic and was recommending (felt like pushing after the 3rd time) and suggesting options for us. Going with his suggestion, i'ved tried the Little Italy mocktail and my partner had the pineapple juice. both (35KRP)yum (a little too sweet for me for mine)

I saw Alio Olio (60K RP) and immediately decided i wanted this. It's one of my favorite but it's hard to get it right for such a simple dish. Craig had the Hawaiian pizza(75KRP).

My pasta was great for the 1st 3 mouthful and after that , it's too salty and too spicy. my tongue and lips are burning halfway through the meals. The pizza was also salty.

The waiter asked how's our meals and we told him it's too salty, he just said yeah and was immediately suggesting desserts, more drinks more food. I'm not sure if he understand what salty means but after a salty spicy meal i was perspiring and just want to get out of the restaurant. 

Food rating Worth getting fat for ? Not at all
Will I return back for more? Not really
Ambience? Wonderful if music is turned down alittle bit more
Customer Service? Good, persistence 


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